It’s impossible to overemphasise the beauty of Córdoba’s great mosque, with its remarkably serene (despite tourist crowds) and spacious interior. One of…
It’s impossible to overemphasise the beauty of Córdoba’s great mosque, with its remarkably serene (despite tourist crowds) and spacious interior. One of…
Eight kilometres west of Córdoba stands what's left of Medina Azahara, the sumptuous palace-city built by Caliph Abd ar-Rahman III in the 10th century…
Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos
Built under Castilian rule in the 13th and 14th centuries on the remains of a Moorish predecessor, this fort-cum-palace was where the Catholic Monarchs,…
Possibly the best flamenco museum in Andalucía, the Fosforito centre has exhibits, film and information panels in English and Spanish telling you the…
A stunning Renaissance palace with 12 beautiful, plant-filled patios, the Viana Palace is a particular delight to visit in spring. Occupied by the…
Constructed in 1315, this small, probably private or family synagogue is one of the best-surviving testaments to the Jewish presence in medieval Andalucía…
In the heart of the Judería, and once connected by tunnel to the synagogue, the Casa de Sefarad is an interesting museum devoted to the Sephardic (Iberian…
The bathhouse of the 10th-century caliphs, part of the Moorish Alcázar complex that was later replaced by the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, is the most…
These elegant stables were built on orders of King Felipe II in 1570 as a centre for developing the tall Spanish thoroughbred warhorse (caballo andaluz)…
Though generally not open to visitors, this 1st-century AD Roman temple can be viewed perfectly well from the street. Its 11 tall white columns make a…
This grand 17th-century square has an elaborate history as a site of public spectacles, including bullfights and Inquisition burnings. Nowadays it's…
The well-displayed Archaeological Museum traces Córdoba's many changes in size, appearance and lifestyle from pre-Roman to early Reconquista times, with…
Spanning the Río Guadalquivir just below the Mezquita, the handsome, 16-arched Roman bridge formed part of the ancient Via Augusta, which ran from Girona…
You can visit this group of three interesting and well-tended Cordoban patios in the Alcázar Viejo area, about 400m southwest of the Mezquita, most of the…
The Casa Andalusí is a restored 12th-century house that attempts to recreate an ambience of caliphal times. It has a tinkling fountain in the patio and a…
A former hospital houses this popular museum devoted to much-loved local painter Julio Romero de Torres (1874–1930), who is famed for his paintings…
Asociación de Amigos de los Patios Cordobeses
This particularly lovely patio, dripping with bougainvillea and other plants, can be visited free year-round. Its colourfulness depends on the season, but…
At the south end of the Puente Romano stands this squat tower, erected under Islamic rule. It now houses the Museo Vivo de Al-Andalus, a museum…
The only survivor of the nine city gates built by emir Abd ar-Rahman I (though what you see today is mainly 14th-century Christian work), the Almodóvar…
This ancient, much-restored water wheel on the edge of the Río Guadalquivir was originally built by emir Abd ar-Rahman II in the 9th century to send water…
Occupying part of the old charity hospital on the Plaza del Potro, the city art museum displays mainly Cordoban masters, with much of the work culled from…
A display of beautiful embossed leather work (one of Córdoba's traditional crafts), reviving techniques used by 10th-century Umayyad artisans.