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Montevideo street


Art Deco and neoclassical buildings jostle for space in Montevideo while music, theater and the arts are alive and well. Plus, there's a strong international flavor in this vibrant, eclectic city.


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Latest stories from Montevideo

MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY, JANUARY - 2016 - Costumed men drummers playing traditional music called candombe at the inaugural parade of carnival of Montevideo, Uruguay
Holiday, Group Of People, Montevideo, Stage Make-up, Celebration, Latin Music, Musical Band, Music, Traditional Clothing, Latin American Culture, Latin American and Hispanic Ethnicity, Period Costume, Multi Colored, Cultures, National Landmark, Entertainment, Travel Destinations, Human Face, Traditional Musician, People, Uruguay, South America, Drum, Percussion Instrument, Carnival, Party - Social Event, Traditional Festival, Event, Costume, Stage Costume, costumed, Touristic Attraction, Candombe, Drummer, Traditional Music
Costumed men drummers playing traditional music called candombe at the inagural parade of carnival of Montevideo, Uruguay


7 ways to get to know Montevideo, Uruguay

Aug 16, 2024 • 6 min read

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