The main lure at the sprawling Standpipe motel is the in-house (and very unexpected) North Indian restaurant – terrific! Try the boneless chicken tikka. The motel itself attracts government delegates and business types with its pool, adjacent golf course and 85 reasonably stylish units (doubles/apartments from $140/250).

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Water Tower Lookout

0.36 MILES

Not for the weak-kneed (see-through metal steps!), this 1882 water tower across the gulf in Port Augusta West affords a great view across the water and…

2. Wadlata Outback Centre

1.19 MILES

The highlight at this combined museum/visitor centre is the Tunnel of Time, which traces local Aboriginal and European histories using audio-visual…

3. Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden


Just north of town, the excellent (and free!) botanic garden has 250 hectares of sandhills, clay flats and desert fauna and flora (ever seen a Sturt's…

4. Sundrop Farms

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Hey, what's that bizarre glowing tower just off the highway 10km south of Port Augusta? It's part of a giant greenhouse tomato-growing facility: hundreds…