Pearl Spring

This small fissure in the Wanxian Mountains is the source of a flow of cool, clear spring water.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Shouting Spring


According to local lore, the flow of this spring responds to the loudness of your whoops. (It doesn’t, but that doesn't stop people from trying). Expect a…

2. White Dragon Cave

0.14 MILES

There's not much to see inside this narrow, muddy cave. Unless you're really into clambering over slimy rocks, you can safely skip this one.

3. Yáshàng Rénjiā

1.12 MILES

Four stone compounds that date back to the Ming dynasty. Just opposite, a platform atop a pillar of rock offers astonishing views into a canyon.

4. Long Corridor in the Cliffs

1.45 MILES

This tunnel on the cusp of Guoliang village offers a closer perspective on the plunging cliffs, with dramatic views carved through the rock. The tunnel…

5. Sky Ladder

1.68 MILES

Previously the only way into the village was via these steep Ming dynasty steps hewn from the local stone. The stairs have no guard rails and have fallen…

6. Black Dragon Pool

2.11 MILES

A beautiful 40m waterfall with a pool beneath that is at least 28m deep (the shape of the pool has thus far made it impossible to measure any deeper).