This bright, modern glass-and-steel exhibition space in the renovated Tampella textile mill hosts regularly changing exhibitions on anything from bicycles…
This bright, modern glass-and-steel exhibition space in the renovated Tampella textile mill hosts regularly changing exhibitions on anything from bicycles…
An iconic example of National Romantic art nouveau architecture, Tampere's cathedral dates from 1907. Hugo Simberg created the frescoes and stained glass;…
This promontory-set amusement park complex offers dozens of rides, an observation tower, art gallery, aquarium, farm zoo and planetarium. A one-day pass…
An entire block of wooden houses – including 32 apartments in five residential buildings, a bakery, a shoemaker, a public sauna, two general shops and a…
The offbeat spy museum under the Finlayson Centre offers a small but well-assembled display of devices of international espionage, mainly from the Cold…
Tampere’s industrial era began with Scot James Finlayson, who established a cotton mill by the Tammerkoski in the 1820s. Later it grew massively and was…
This worthwhile labour museum has a variety of changing exhibitions covering social history and labour industries. The permanent exhibition consists of…
Located in the Särkänniemi amusement park, this museum showcases a collection of international and Finnish modern art and sculpture amassed by Sara Hildén…
The 168m-high Näsinneula Observation Tower is in the Särkänniemi amusement park. This is the tallest such tower in these northern lands and that alone…
Enter the world of Tove Jansson’s enduringly popular Moomins at this impressive museum in Tampere-talo. It contains original drawings and beautiful…
There are few displays dedicated to the revolutionary leader here; rather, displays focus on the shared modern history of Finland and Russia. The…
This stone observation tower is on the ridge of Pyynikki Park, and has a cafe serving delicious freshly made doughnuts. You can walk from the centre of…
The aquarium inside the Särkänniemi amusement park has limited information in English and isn’t especially memorable, with the Finnish fish (including…
Near the train station, this ornate, onion-domed Orthodox church is worth a visit. During the civil war, White troops besieged the church, which had been…
The Finlaysonin Kirkko was built in 1879 as a place of worship for employees of the cotton mill and their families.
The beautiful Aleksanterin Kirkko has red brick and green spires and was named in honour of Tsar Alexander II.