Ville Close (Walled City)

Top choice

This special walled town, fortified in the 14th century and modified by the architect Vauban two centuries later, sits on a small island linked to place Jean Jaurès by a stone footbridge. Just past the citadel's clock tower and main gate, look out for the 18th-century Tour du Gouverneur, which is one of the access points for strolling the ramparts . As you continue, rue Vauban leads to place St-Guénolé and the former church – and later hospice – of the same name.

On the way you will pass stone houses converted into shops, crêperies, ice-cream stalls and galleries. Indeed, the best way to explore the island is to wander at will. The eastern side of the island has a small hilly park, and there's a passenger ferry (€1) that runs across the inlet to the opposite quay at place Duquesne. The Ville Close is thronged in summer and on weekends.