Sticking out above Rottweil like a sore thumb, the futuristic, environmentally progressive Testturm is the brainchild of steel-engineering giant Thyssenkrupp, who aims to speed up skyscraper construction. At a whopping 246m high, it's the tallest elevator test tower in the world. At the time of research, it was open to the public, with Germany's highest visitor platform (232m) commanding staggering 360° views of the Black Forest, Swabian Alps and – on clear days – the Swiss Alps .

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Top choice in The Black Forest
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
20.7 MILES
The Schwarzwälder Freilichtmuseum spirals around the Vogtsbauernhof, a self-contained early-17th-century farmstead. Farmhouses shifted from their original…
16.21 MILES
Embracing the global craft gin craze, Monkey 47 has scooped awards for its batch-distilled, handcrafted dry gin, with piney, peppery notes. Distillery…
18.74 MILES
Niagara they ain’t but Germany’s highest waterfalls do exude their own wild romanticism. The Gutach River feeds the seven-tiered falls, which drop a total…
19.25 MILES
A rival to the hotly contested giant-cuckoo-clock crown, the so-called 'world's oldest-largest cuckoo clock' kicked into gear in 1980 and took local…
Upper Danube Valley Nature Reserve
18.02 MILES
Theatrically set against cave-riddled limestone cliffs, dappled with pine and beech woods that are burnished gold in autumn, and hugging the Danube's…
18.69 MILES
Rising dramatically from an exposed crag, with its medieval battlements and riot of towers and silver turrets often veiled in mist, Burg Hohenzollern is…
18.26 MILES
If giant cuckoo clocks and Black Forest gateau no longer thrill, how about a trip to the world’s largest loo? Drive on the B33 to Hornberg and there, in…
11.39 MILES
Next to the 13th-century Riettor gate tower and occupying a former Franciscan monastery, the Franziskaner Museum skips merrily through Villingen’s history…
Nearby The Black Forest attractions
0.75 MILES
Standing proud on Münsterplatz, the late-Romanesque, three-aisled Münster-Heiliges-Kreuz features some striking Gothic stonework and cross-ribbed vaulting…
0.82 MILES
The sturdy 13th-century Schwarzes Tor is the gateway to Hauptstrasse and the well-preserved Altstadt, a cluster of red-roofed, pastel-painted houses. The…
1.69 MILES
Imagine the surprise when this Roman bath was unearthed in the late 19th century. The 45m-by-42m complex served as a public bath for the Roman legion in…
11.26 MILES
The main crowd-puller in Villingen's Altstadt is the red-sandstone, 12th-century Münster with its disparate spires: one overlaid with coloured tiles, the…
11.26 MILES
The Münsterplatz is presided over by the step-gabled Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) and Klaus Ringwald’s Münsterbrunnen, a bronze fountain and a tongue-in…
11.39 MILES
Next to the 13th-century Riettor gate tower and occupying a former Franciscan monastery, the Franziskaner Museum skips merrily through Villingen’s history…
11.44 MILES
Tucked behind the Franziskaner is the Spitalgarten, a park flanked by the original city walls. Here your gaze will be drawn to Romäusturm, a lofty 13th…
15.07 MILES
Clamber south up Schlossbergstrasse, pausing to notice the plaques that denote the trades of one-time residents, such as the Strumpfstricker (stocking…