Astonishingly grand spires of granite soar straight out of Greenland's southernmost fjords like the teeth of an interplanetary crocodile. Climbers rate…
©Yongyut Kumsri/Shutterstock
'When you've seen the world there's always Greenland' goes the old travellers' saying. But why wait till then? Greenland is not a cheap destination, but few places combine such magnificent scenery, such clarity of light and such raw power of nature.
Astonishingly grand spires of granite soar straight out of Greenland's southernmost fjords like the teeth of an interplanetary crocodile. Climbers rate…
A circle of five historic stone-and-timber buildings around a turf-ringed former wellhouse constitute Paamiut Museum. The 1839 former governor's residence…
On weekend afternoons it's well worth visiting the Tele-Museum. It traces Greenland's role in the development of transatlantic communications and has such…
Qaqortoq Museum is housed in a tar-blackened 1804 building that was once the Julianehåb colony manager's house. Today its most unique features are right…
The cute 1859 cottage housing Lyberth Charter was the former Fortanderkabshuset (elders' council chamber). Red with green stairs, it retains the bronze …
Maniitsoq Museum is housed in a series of picturesque historic buildings constructed in 1874 and originally used to house a bakery, a blacksmith's shop…
Fredenskirche, Paamiut's colourful 1909 church, has a Norwegian-style Hansel-and-Gretel façade. Incredibly the church was 'stretched' by 6m in the 1980s:…
Henrik Lund (1875-1948) was a priest, painter and poet whose song 'Nunarput' has since become Greenland's national anthem. Outside the red-and-green Lund…
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