Israel Air Force Kfir C7 fighter jet on display in the Israeli Air Force Museum.

© Zhukovskyi/Shutterstock

Israeli Air Force Museum

Parked on the tarmac, about 120 historic aircraft – including a Spitfire used in the 1948 war, captured Syrian and Iraqi MiGs, fighter jets and attack helicopters – illustrate the history of Israel's legendary air force. During the intermediate days of the Passover and Sukkot holidays, historic planes take to the skies and aircraft currently in Israel Defence Forces service are put on display. A much larger museum is in the planning stages. Bring your passport.

Situated 10km west of Be’er Sheva, on the edge of Hatzerim (Khatserim) air base. From the central bus station, take Dan BaDarom buses 40 or 41 (return 9.50NIS, 10 minutes, twice an hour).